Medicare Hospital Bed Justification

Your costs in original medicare if your supplier accepts assignment you pay 20 of the medicare approved amount and the part b deductible applies.
Medicare hospital bed justification. The beneficiary requires traction equipment which can only be attached to a hospital bed. Certificate of medical necessity prescription hospital beds. 907 274 0773 4215 credit union dr. Basic home hospital beds may be paid for in part by medicare part b.
Date of last provider visit supplier name address telephone nsc. Answers answer questions 1 and 3 7 for hospital beds circle y for yes n for no or d for does not apply question 2 reserved for other or future use. A hospital bed provides a safe environment for individuals who cannot be accommodated in an ordinary bed. Medicare pays for different kinds of dme in different ways.
If the stated reason for the need for a hospital bed is the patient s condition requires positioning the prescription or other documentation must describe the medical condition e g cardiac disease chronic obstructive pulmonary disease quadriplegia or paraplegia and also the severity and frequency of the symptoms of the condition that necessitates a hospital bed for positioning. Formerly jfs 02910 4 2009. A hospital bed allows adjustments to head and leg elevation and can accommodate or support special attachments e g traction equipment that could not be used on an ordinary bed. Does the patient require positioning of the body in ways not feasible with an ordinary bed due to a medical condition which is expected to last at least one month.
The patient s condition requires positioning of the. Updated 07 01 14 written order and medical justification semi electric hospital bed. Medicare replacement pdf download medicare benefits pdf download medicare coverage pdf download medicare part d pdf download medicare part b pdf download medical justification for hospital bed. Patient requires positioning of the body in ways not feasible with an ordinary bed.
Anchorage ak 99503 phone. The beneficiary requires the head of the bed to be elevated more than 30 degrees most of the time due to congestive heart failure chronic pulmonary disease or problems with aspiration or. General requirements for coverage of hospital beds a physician s prescription and such additional documentation as the medicare administrative contractor mac medical staff may consider necessary including medical records and physicians reports must establish the medical necessity for a hospital bed due to one of the following reasons. Medicare part b medical insurance covers hospital beds as durable medical equipment dme that your doctor prescribes for use in your home.
Anyone who has medicare part b and has a medical need for a hospital bed in their home is able to get partial coverage under medicare s durable medical equipment dme policy.