Book Of Barnabas Found

When ye see that after so many signs and wonders wrought in israel even then they were abandoned let us give heed lest haply we be found as the scripture saith many are called but few are chosen.
Book of barnabas found. This epistle lays a greater claim to canonical authority than most others. The book was moved by turkish government to one of their museums by way of police escort. This bible which contains the gospel of barnabas is believed to be between 1500 2000 years old and was found in turkey. A bible which is reported to be at least 1500 years old was discovered in turkey and inside it there is a gospel of barnabas.
Barnabas was a companion and fellow preacher with paul. But this supposition is at variance with an account of anthemios s gospel book by severus of antioch who reported having examined the manuscript around the year 500 seeking to find whether it supported the piercing of the crucified jesus by a spear at matthew 27 49 it did not. The general epistle of barnabas. Barnabas 5 1 for to this end the lord endured to deliver his flesh unto.
Some scholars who maintain the antiquity of the gospel of barnabas propose that the text purportedly discovered in 478 should be identified with the gospel of barnabas instead. An ancient book was rediscovered in ankara turkey in 2000 after authorities captured a smuggling ring in the mediterranean according to a february 23 2012 article by the national turk news service. Barnabas was one of the disciples of jesus christ and in the gospel of barnabas it states that christ was never crucified. It has been cited by clemens alexandrinus origen eusebius and jerome and many ancient fathers.