Bench Press Shirt World Record

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Bench press shirt world record. Procedure for bench press fitness testing. And he did just that when he bench pressed an unbelievable 1 105 pounds at the 2020 mm power wars in new york. The best knee sleeves wrist wraps knee wraps and power gear. It was thus later categorized as equipped although it did not improve his bench by much if anything.
Was broken in 2008 by ryan kennelly with his. More fitness testing records and other sporting records. Lift of 1075 lbs. Bench press with bench shirt world record holder 2007 2013 super heavy weight ryan kennelly benched 1070 pounds 476 3 kg on 4 13 08 at the apa westcoast iron wars held in kennewick washington using a bench shirt.
Maddox beat the previous record holder kirill sarychev s 738 5 pound press by hitting 739 6. The best powerlifting gear and powerlifting belts in the world. The advent of bench press shirts which support the lifter s shoulders and provide upward force have increased records significantly since 1985 for example when the shirted record was 965 lb 438 kg the unshirted record was 713 lb 323 kg. World record in assisted bench press.
Maddox was the current world record holder for raw bench press which he first set in august 2019. Arcidi s 705 pound all time world record bench press was performed in one of the earliest bench shirts an original prototype supportive bench press shirt which was 50 polyester and 50 cotton and only one layer thick. Scot held the world record 1 009 lb which. Equipped bench presses are performed in a bench press shirt made from extremely strong fabric that due to its elastic energy helps the lifter s arms snap upward from the bottom of the lift.
Bench press world records are the international records in bench press across the years regardless of weight class or governing organization for bench pressing on the back without using a bridge technique. Scott mendelson 1036 lbs bench press wpc world championships powerlifitng wpc worlds las vegas sponsored by www eaenow com live stream at www unation com x. With the aid of a bench press shirt the current record is by tiny meeker who pressed 1102 lb 500 kg in 2013. It is said that his raw ma was less than 700 pounds.
Videos of bench press record attempts. In assisted bench press or shirted bench press the lifter is allowed to use a very sfiff supportive shirt. Super performance powerlifting belts powerlifting gear weightlifting belts and workout belts for powerlifters bodybuilders and weightlifters. While the world had its eyes set on julius maddox s attempt to become the first person to bench press 800 pounds raw powerlifter will barotti was working to set his own world record.