Aspen Bedding For Rats

Aspen is very different from pine and cedar.
Aspen bedding for rats. It can just be a bit of a mess though. One male made a nice comfy nest with this. If you are looking for a good alternative to the traditional pine bedding then aspen pet rat bedding is a good choice. It s a good and safe option for your rodent as long as it s designed for them.
Aspen bedding is a good choice for small animals such as hamsters gerbils mice and rats. Besides you can easily fine aspen available in any pet shops and online. My normal mix for the rats in the wire cages with the trays is the paperchip pellets underneath in the corners then aspen chips on top with a sprinkling of nepco aspen shavings i found the aspen shavings on top of the aspen chips helps to have not as much bedding kicked out. This is a very popular choice.
Rabbit bedding made from lavender or other soft floral material is an effective type of rabbit bedding as it is great for controlling odors and has a naturally fresh scent. Expanded volume 1200 cubic inch. This bedding is processed to eliminate any kind of dust and pieces of wood that can harm your pet rats. Large flake aspen bedding for rats aspen is a hardwood shaving that is naturally low in phenols.
Pet bedding made with paper and baking soda also makes for a great rabbit bedding as baking soda allows for superior odor control. They will get mushy when they get wet and stood on but you should probably replace them whenever they become soiled anyway if you don t want your home stinking like rat pee. Paper pellets like carefresh are an ideal bedding for rats because they re absorbent and fairly cheap. Aspen bedding for rats.
It is very economical and is absorbent and does a decent job of odor control. Similar to the paper it s not as absorbent as the paper bedding for example. Aside from totally safe for rats and contains no toxic phenols it is also relatively soft and absorbent. That means it will soak up moistural and urine of rats so that keeping your rat s cage clean and fresh smell.
It is a hardwood instead of a softwood so it contains no toxic phenols. Look for dust extracted aspen and throw away the tiny bits that settle to the bottom of the bag. Ideal bedding material for small pets such as hamsters gerbils guinea pigs rabbits ferrets and chinchillas. The high absorbency also simplifies cage cleaning.
This bedding has great absorbency but can be expensive. Aspen shavings also double as burrowing and nesting material and as a renewable resource are good for small pet and the planet.